Friday, April 17, 2009

Animal Farm


There are so many movies about talking animals now days I was a little wary when I realized Animal Farm by George Orwell was one in book form. Such as : Open Season, Madagascar, Barnyard and many more.

Animal Farm is an allegorical fable. A fable-teaches a lesson. An allegory-a story that has a deeper meaning. Basically, its a story a farm whose animals decide that they deserve better than what they are getting and they start a revolt....

What happens when you beg and beg for something different but when you get is not what you thought it would be? Do you...

Ask for more change?
Sit back and deal with it....

There is a lot of symbolism in the book and it was an inspirational message to all humans...and to all animals that snuck into their farm houses and learned to read and write.

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