Friday, March 13, 2009

Lush.[[How much did you drink tonight?]]

Lush by Natasha Friend.

Poor child. Such a beautiful girl.(I would assume). but such a horrible home life.

Her father is a alcoholic. A drunk. Not the kind of drunk you can look over and ignore either. Like the kind that is always in your face with breath that can burn the hair right off your eyebrows! Smelly breath that makes your eyes water and your nose tingle.

How is a kid to deal with a drunk father and a mother who does not see the problem or refuses to see the problem . Also a younger brother who needs attention and cannot get it from his emotionally absent parents.

OH.. I know.. WRITE NOTES!! yes..this young girl decides to write notes to a "girl" she knows nothing about and she tells this kid all her problems. Every little thing that goes on is written down in notes.. hmmm.. makes for an interesting story...some conversations... maybe some. confrontation..:]]

A couple of guys thrown in and BAM! Another great story by Natasha Friend.

Good book.. happy...sad..excited..mad.. so many emotions in such a short book.

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